American Radio Relay League 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 U.S.A. Telephone (203) 666-1541 Fax: (203) 665-7531 A bona fide interest in Amateur Radio is the only essential requirement, but full voting membership is granted only to licensed radio amateurs of the US. Therefore if you have a license, please be sure to indicate it. Membership rates in the US: Regular 65 or older Family or Blind 1 Year $30 $24 $4 2 Years $57 $45 $8 3 Years $80 $65 $12 Membership Rates Elsewhere*: Regular 65 or older 1 Year $42 $36 2 Years $81 $69 3 Years $116 $101 IMPORTANT: Payment in US funds only. Checks must be drawn on a bank within the US. *These rates include the postage surcharge which partially offsets the additional cost to mail QST outside the US. Contact ARRL for airmail rates. A member of the immediate family of a League member, living at the same address, may become a League member without QST at the special rate of $4 per year. Family membership must run concurrently with that of the member receiving QST. Blind amateurs may join without QST for $4 per year. Persons who are age 65 or older may upon request apply for League membership at the reduced rates shown. A one-time proof of age, in the form of a driver's license or birth certificate is required. If you are 21 or younger and the oldest licensed Amateur in the household, a special rate may apply. Contact ARRL for details. Your membership certificate will be mailed to you in about 2 weeks from the date we receive your application. Delivery of QST may take slightly longer, but future issues should reach you on a regular basis. Membership is available only to individuals. Fifty percent of dues is allocated to QST, and the balance for membership. DUES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Please remit a check or money order (drawn on a US bank) or one of the following credit card numbers: MasterCard, VISA, DISCOVER, American Express. Include full card number and expiration date. Also, provide the following information: Name Date Call Sign (if any) Full mailing Address Please indicate if you do not wish your name and address made available for non-ARRL related mailings. Send Remittance to: The American Radio Relay League 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 USA or phone (203) 666-1541 or fax (203) 665-7531 Contact for additional information about joining the ARRL.